The mission of Border Patrol Foundation (BPF) is to honor the memory of fallen U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) agents and provide support and resources to the families. BPF provides support to Border Patrol employees, USBP agents and their families for on- and off-duty deaths, injuries, illnesses, family medical emergencies, special circumstances and student scholarships.

Platinum Level Sponsor: $2,500
10’ x 10’ Space, One table and two chairs provided (if needed).
Online listing on all social media advertisements
Signage at the event*
Option to provide company material/gift items in all race bags
Verbal recognition during event
Support listing on all marketing materials
Mention in all written press releases regarding event
Prominent placement of logo on back of race shirt
Four (4) race shirts
Gold Level Sponsor: $1,000
10’ x 10’ Space, One table and two chairs provided (if needed).
Online listing on all social media advertisements
Signage at the event*
Option to provide company material/gift items in all race bags
Verbal recognition during event
Placement of logo on back of race shirt
Two (2) race shirts
Silver Level Sponsor: $500
10’ x 10’ Space, One table and two chairs provided (if needed).
Online listing on all social media advertisements
Signage at the event*
Option to provide company material/gift items in all race bags
Two (2) race shirts
Bronze Level Sponsor: $300
10’ x 10’ Space, One table and two chairs provided (if needed).
Online listing on all social media advertisements
Signage at the event*
Option to provide company material/gift items in all race bags
One (1) race shirt
Premier Level Sponsor: $150
10’ x 10’ Space, One table and two chairs provided (if needed).
Online listing on all social media advertisements
Signage at the event*
To sponsor please contact BPF Acting Executive Director Erica Aguilar at erica.aguilar@borderpatrolfoundation.org